47 Writing Jobs - Work from Home and Get Paid to Write

Writing jobs are available for almost every big company and they do hire content writers on contract basis. There are also many platforms available which you can use to search for new opportunities as a freelance writer. Still people are curious to know that how they can easily get writing jobs and make money writing articles, stories and other content. As you know that internet is changing almost everything and every work type, this is happening to writing jobs too. Now there is no need to hire a team of writers and call that team your writing board or staff members. Many companies and big websites are hiring contract base writers and after their contract ends they hire others or maybe same persons to write for them on more topics. Its like they can pay when they want and get their writing job done on time without crashing their mind with the employees and pay them on monthly basis. This system is creating new writing jobs everyday and thus we can get hired to write for big companies, startups and websites hiring content writers. However, even if you can write wonderfully, you have to gain some experience and make your portfolio before applying for a writing job.

Requirements to Get Hired for Writing Jobs:

Yeah, the only thing you should have before applying for any writing job is to show your portfolio and the portfolio should be awesome. The worse part is to create the portfolio first and to know how we can create a better portfolio. Also, if you don't want to have a portfolio the best way is to gain some experience which you can show to the companies hiring writers. Again, how we can get experience when we are not getting any job? and the answer is:
  • Start a Blog
Its the only thing you can do to gain some experience and have your own portfolio too. You can start a blog for free and write anything you like to write about. Nobody will be in your game and you can write just about anything on your blog. There is no way to get experienced in just a week by writing on your blog, you have to work hard, find your passion and follow other famous bloggers, read their articles and then write yours. This may make you an experienced content writer in months. However, if you are here to know how we can make money writing or how to make money with applying for writing jobs then here's a guide. Follow these platforms by industry and niche for getting paid to write online.

Freelance Writing Jobs

The very first thing you can do to get some writing jobs without any experience is to offer freelancer writing services and to get people hire you for a specific writing job like article writing, content writing, blog writing, copy writing and script writing you have to find a platform. A platform is where people post small jobs and gigs which they want to get fulfilled by individuals like you and me. However on these freelancing platforms we have to play our cards nicely and read there terms and conditions and also watch their guides so that we can easily get started. To know about platforms which can give you writing jobs and you can bid on them to get paid to write read about them right below:


Its a freelancing network made for freelancers and companies. You can get a free account there and start getting certified for better doing better and high paying writing jobs. There are so many other jobs available at this platform but for writing jobs its the best one you can try today.


Its the top freelancing website and best for writers. You can create your free account there and start bidding on the projects and gigs. You can get hired quickly and its good for newbies too. So get started with UpWork now and test it out.


Now doubt that this freelancing platform can make you a guru in your field. Just signup there and start with your free account. You can make money by completing writing jobs and also by translating documents or articles into other languages.


Its a basic yet most advanced platform for different kind of projects. Why I call it basic? because its the easiest to navigate platform and its focus is just to give people the service and not just increase their own branding. They are their own personalized CERT rank to check people per hour rankings and so you can try your luck there.


I don't think that this platform can give you a break, but you can try when you are a newbie. Because on this freelancing website I haven't seen any big profiled persons in the writing category. So you can have a look at this service.

Blog Writing Jobs

Writing for others is what you have to do for earning online when you are expert in writing on a specific topic or expert in a niche. As you know that there are hundreds of blogs on every topic and industry led by some industry leaders and entrepreneurs and of-course they all need to have someone write on their blogs to keep their blogs fresh and updated. As many biggest blogs like Mashable and Forbes have to publish new content on different topics and on daily basis to maintain their reputation, they need people to write that content. However big blogs have a staff to write things up but they always offer paid blog writing jobs and some of their competitors are also offering blog writing jobs. But they will will require you the experience and all that. As I want you to be able to earn money by completing some writing jobs, here's how you can do it with these websites offering get paid to write opportunities.


http://listverse.com/write-get-paid/: They say you can Write & Get Paid - If you love list articles or in other words top 10 articles then this is the website which is offering $100 reward per article submission. Yes, you can get paid $100 per article. They are open always and you can just create a list article about anything interesting with images or video and submit to them. If they accept your article and approved it to publish, you will get paid $100 via your PayPal account.

A List Apart

http://alistapart.com/about/contribute: They say you can Write for Us - As you know that Listverse is about top 10 list and publishing listicles (list articles) and offering paid blog post writing opportunity to everyone who has a PayPal account. The same applies to A List Apart, they are offering paid guest post contribution option and you can write an interesting list article for them, submit and when they approve you will get paid.

B2B Writing Success

http://www.b2bwritingsuccess.com/about/write-for-us/: With this website all you have do is write an article of 800 to 1200 words on their suggested topic. As they are offering a "Current Call for Submission Topics" list where you can read and know their current needs of topic types so you can send them the article relating to that topics. After their review you will get paid to write or you can have your website link there.

The Dollar Stretcher

https://www.stretcher.com/menu/writers.cfm: They are offering writing jobs and pay per word. If you are an expert in finance or now many ways to save money or save the time then this website is for you, they will pay for articles relating to save money and save time topic with good and informative tips. So try them too.


http://www.freelancemom.com/guest-post-guidelines/: You can get paid $75 to $100 and they are also offering you a $150 prize when your article is on the top of their most shared content each month. Its the perfect opportunity for business leaders and business related people to write their best guides and earn handsome money.

Income Diary

https://www.incomediary.com/write-for-incomediary: If you are serious about writing jobs and want to get paid to write and also work from home without getting too bored on writing articles just for $5 at freelancing websites then this website is for you. They are paying up to $200 per article. Yes, its true and you can write about creating awesome websites, driving traffic to websites, social media tips or making money online.

Metro Parent

https://www.metroparent.com/write-us/: From parenting to food and education to health you can write on related topics and they love evergreen content. So write a piece of great content based on advised for daily routine life and you will get paid $40 or more then this.

Money Crashers

https://www.moneycrashers.com/write-for-us/: If you can write articles on the topics related to investing, retirement planning, estate planning, credit and debt and real estate or lifestyle then you can get paid from this website. How much? we don't know they have their own policies so you can check with them.

Slick WP

http://slickwp.com/write-for-us: As paid to write jobs are available everywhere, nobody can trust every website. I don't know whether they really pay or not, but you can try them if you are familiar to WordPress and Genesis frame work. As they need articles and tutorials on these two topics and pay $100 per article via PayPal.

Stork Guide

http://storkguide.com/write-for-us/: They are paying $50+ per article depending on the article quality and they are accepting articles related to saving money, baby care and other health related topics. You can have your website link in your article and get paid to write.

Work Online Blog

https://workonlineblog.com/get-paid-to-write/: If you want to get paid to write and earn $50 per article then this website is for you. You can write for them and get your $50 in PayPal. They have a form which you can fill and know more about them on that page with reading their terms of submission.

Wealthy Web Writer

http://www.wealthywebwriter.com/write-for-us/: They are happy to publish your content related to money making topics and new ways to make money online. You can get paid to write, we don't know how much they pay so you can check with them.

Wise Bread

http://www.wisebread.com/make-money-writing-for-wise-bread: They are paying per article and you can apply now. The main thing is we don't know how much they pay. So you can check with them and ask them how much they will pay you to write an article.

Write Naked

https://writenaked.net/guest-blog-writers/: They are paying per article up to $75 and you can write short articles too. But they have their own writing schedules which you can read on their posting page and you are informed to send them an inquiry on their writing schedule.

Writers Weekly

http://writersweekly.com/writersweekly-com-writers-guidelines: You can get paid $60 per 600 words article via PayPal. All you have to do is just write an article on topics like How to self-publish your book, How to become a writer and How to be a copywriter.

Get Paid to Write Short Stories

Its not in the rich quick schemes but worth a try. As many websites and publishers are looking for the short stories and tips to publish in print media and they when your writings got published. But when they publish you get the exposure and you can make your name. So try these services:

Chicken Soup

http://www.chickensoup.com/story-submissions/story-guidelines: You can get paid to write a story and when your story got published they will pay you $200 in cash and you will receive 10 free copies of the book where your your story is published with many other freebies.

Country Magazine

http://www.country-magazine.com/contributor-guidelines/: We don't know how much they exactly pay to their writers but you can get paid to write a story, a tip or write about a photo.

Cuisine at Home

http://www.cuisineathome.com/contact/tip.php: If you are best at cooking and have your own tips about solving any cooking problem then you can write to get paid with this website. They pay up to $100 per tip article.

Eating Well

http://www.eatingwell.com/article/290691/writers-guidelines/: Alright, you can get paid $1 per word with this website as they are paying you to write articles on health, life and food related topics.

Knowledge Nut

https://knowledgenuts.com/submit-a-nut/: All they want you to make sure is your content is unique and quality one. You can get paid $10 per article.

Greeting Cards Writing Jobs

As there are holidays or a an event, you will buy greeting cards and send to your besties. Have you thought for a while that who is the backbone behind writing those cards? who is writing greeting cards? If you haven't then think about it now and I am going to show you the ways to work as a greeting card writer.

Blue Mountain Ads

http://www.sps.com/help/contact.html: You can contact them directly to know their payments per greeting card writing.


http://www.cmpmarket.me/guidelines.php: They are paying you $50 per idea and all you have to do is just submit your ideas to them. When they accept they will send you $50.

Oatmeal Studios

http://www.oatmealstudios.com/html5/pages/writers_guide.html: They are different and they like cartoons, so you can submit your work about greeting card writings to them and they will pay you.

Recipe Writing Jobs

If you have a passion of cooking in your kitchen and loves to cook new dishes then here are some services paying you to write recipes. As they are not paying too much you should join them when you really love cooking and do it on regular basis as they worth a try and can't make you rich.

Cooking for Engineers

http://www.cookingforengineers.com/article/191/Article-Submission-Program: Don't worry when you are an engineer and cooking. Well you can be anyone and send recipes to this website and they will pay you $10 per recipe.

Crafty Morning

https://www.craftymorning.com/crafty-morning-hiring-get-paid-craft-recipe-posts/: Everything should be your own and not copied, they will pay $10 to $20 per recipe you send and you can send your crafts too.

Recipe Yum

http://recipeyum.com.au/apply/: You can get paid by submitting your recipes to this website and they are paying you a share of their advertising. So you should contact them to know what exactly they pay per recipe for their writing jobs.

Travel Writing Jobs

If you are a traveler or not you can join these websites. All they want is travel related articles. As a traveler can write more amazingly about travel guides and articles. I recommend these websites to a traveler. But if you are a smart writer then you can write travel articles from your home.

International Living

https://internationalliving.com/about-il/write-for-il/: They are paying almost the highest amount from this list of writing jobs. They are paying you up to $400 per travel article and you can also get paid for uploading your own quality images ($50 one time use).

Go Nomad

https://www.gonomad.com/travel-writer-guidelines: Write about your destination and journey and they will pay you up to $25 per accepted travel related article.

Outpost Magazinehttps://outpostmagazine.com/contribute-to-outpost-magazine/: We don't know how much they pay, but they have some strict policies. So it will be nice to contact them for more information.

Job Boards Writing Jobs

There are many job boards available online where you can bid on jobs for writing different things and they all pay you. However, all of them are not really that active so its your luck and time to get any writing job awaiting you.

Blogging Pro Jobs

https://www.bloggingpro.com/jobs/: You can get new writing jobs and other related jobs on this job board. There are many jobs available and jobs being posted on daily basis. So check it now.

Freelance Writinghttps://www.freelancewriting.com/jobs/: As its a freelancing platform you go to apply for the writing jobs and when job poster will accept your application and give you the job and you done it you can get paid.

Pro Blogger Jobs

https://problogger.com/jobs/: On this job board platform you can post or browse different jobs easily. There are always new writing jobs available so you can try your luck for some writing jobs.

Revenue Sharing Writing Jobs

Well this is what everybody can't do, there are certain type of people and bloggers who can do it rightly. If you have some experience in blogging and content marketing then you can try this method with these websites and get paid to write and work from home.


https://hubpages.com/help/landing_e6: You can signup for free and start writing just about anything you can write about. Drive traffic so they will show ads and you will earn their share.


https://www.heliumnetwork.com/freelance/: I think they have changed their interface and now they are paying per project basis. So check with them, I hope you can get paid to write via PayPal.


http://www.infobarrel.com/Writing_for_InfoBarrel: Write for them and they will give you a free account where you can add your PayPal so they will send you the revenue on your PayPal account.

The Penny Hoarder

https://www.thepennyhoarder.com/contributor-guidelines/: Its a finance tips website, offering you money saving and making tips. You can write on same topics and send to them. Their editors will compensate you with a reward.

What Culture

http://whatculture.com/write-for-us: You can signup for free, create content and start earning money. List and news type of articles are also accepted, but they should be unique and payments are made by PayPal.


https://wizzley.com/: Just go to their website and after creating a free account start posting content, so that you will start earning money from ads.

Resume Writing Jobs

If you are good in interviewing or proofreading then this industry is awaiting you. If you are a persuasive writer then you can make huge money by doing resume writing jobs. So become a professional resume writer on these websites and start earning thousands of dollars.

Rise Smart

https://www.risesmart.com/about-us/careers-open-positions: Today I have researched just for the one best resume writing jobs platform and this is the best one. You can check their page for latest job openings.

Novel Writing Jobs

Everybody loves to read some romance novels and there are a number of publishers who are making thousands of dollars by publishing romantic novel and stories. If you can write a romance novel or more of them then join these websites and get paid to write.

Crimson Romance

http://www.crimsonromance.com/submissions/: We don't know how much they pay, but they are really paying so you can check with them and ask about their payment rates per novel.

So You Think You Can Write (SYTYCW)

http://www.soyouthinkyoucanwrite.com/: This is a platform by Harlequin and they are paying you to become an author.

Swoon Reads

https://www.swoonreads.com/submit-a-manuscript/: All they want from you is a novel ready to publish and read. So be creative and write accordingly then format your novel and send to them.

Well, That's It.

If you are still looking for how to make money online or how to get more writing jobs then you may wait until our next blog post or just comment below and we will answer all of your questions. Thanks:
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